
Riddles 9 questions.
Pub quiz question 8610 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: If there are six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?
  2. Answer: A: Four
  3. Categories: Riddles (3)
Pub quiz question 8761 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What can be broken but is never held?
  2. Answer: A: A promise
  3. Categories: Riddles (3)
Pub quiz question 8608 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: How can a man go eight days without sleep?
  2. Answer: A: By sleeping during the night
  3. Categories: Riddles (3)
Pub quiz question 8612 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
  2. Answer: A: A towel
  3. Categories: Riddles (3)
Pub quiz question 8611 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What goes up and down, but still remains in the same place?
  2. Answer: A: Stairs
  3. Categories: Riddles (3)
Pub quiz question 8633 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: Air Force One, the US Presidential aircraft, has made more take-offs than landings. How is that possible?
  2. Answer: A: "Air Force One" is the call sign of a plane while it has the POTUS on board. At least once, an in-flight president ceased to be president.
  3. Notes: *: June 1974, Nixon (as president) boarded SAM 27000, and Ford was sworn in while the plain was in flight.
  4. Categories: Riddles (6) Politics (6) America (6)
Pub quiz question 8609 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: How can you drop a raw egg on the concrete floor without cracking it?
  2. Answer: A: The egg won’t crack the concrete floor
  3. Categories: Riddles (3)
Pub quiz question 7662 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: Why don't polar bears eat penguins?
  2. Answer: A: They live on different continents
  3. Categories: Geography (2) Biology (2) Riddles (2)
Pub quiz question 8762 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What does come down but never goes up?
  2. Answer: A: Rain
  3. Categories: Riddles (3)