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Pub quiz question 3860 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What type of pastry is used to make profiteroles?
  2. Answer: A: Choux
  3. Notes: *: Pronounced 'shoe'
  4. Categories: Food (2)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 1180 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Who was Lord Protector of England between September 1658 – May 1659
  2. Answer: A: Richard Cromwell/Tumbledown Dick
  3. Categories: Politics (8) History (8) Royalty (8)
Pub quiz question 9023 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What is a group of Locust called?
  2. Answer: A: A plague or cloud
  3. Categories: Language (7) Biology (7)
Pub quiz question 1870 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Teleophobia is the fear of what?
  2. Answer: A: 1) Fear of definite plans. 2) Religious ceremony.
  3. Categories: Phobias (8)
Pub quiz question 1942 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: The fear of chickens is known as what?
  2. Answer: A: Alektorophobia
  3. Categories: Phobias (8)
Pub quiz question 1601 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Hypnophobia is the fear of what?
  2. Answer: A: Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized.
  3. Categories: Phobias (8)
Pub quiz question 1507 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Eisoptrophobia is the fear of what?
  2. Answer: A: Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.
  3. Categories: Phobias (8)
Pub quiz question 2509 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Rebus:
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Ambiguous (am BIG U ous)
  4. Categories: Rebus/Dingbats (3)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 1627 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Kolpophobia is the fear of what?
  2. Answer: A: Fear of genitals, particularly female.
  3. Categories: Phobias (8)
Pub quiz question 4215 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Which plant is often called marijuana when dried and hashish as resin?
  2. Answer: A: Cannabis
  3. Categories: Science (3) Nature (3)